Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Boys Weekend

Next stop....Ramona!
Two weekends ago (still not on top of this blogging thing yet) Juan and I packed up our bags and went for a...what would I call it "vacation" in Ramona. We spent the weekend, house sitting, dog sitting and enjoying a beautiful weekend with my brothers. We had such a wonderful time! We went to Cole's band concert, had a movie night, laid by the pool and soaked up the sun, DJs C&C blasted music and of course turned pool time into a dance party. We explored downtown Ramona, went to church and managed to fit in a run / bike ride to work off all the snacking and treats we indulged in over the weekend. 
Pool. Sun. Fun.
Downtown Ramona. Thrift-ing. Antiquing. &Coffee Shop-ing.
Who knew downtown Ramona had so many neat little antique shops! Christian went crazy looking at the old Coca-Cola items, Cole and I attacked the salt water taffy, Juan and I found an awesome candlestick and of course Juan was camera happy snapping awesome pictures left and right. We all needed a refresher so we decided to checkout Packards Coffee Shop; Italian sodas for the boys and the ever popular Alaskan Mocha for me (highly recommended by other customers and it was delish). 

But wait, the downtown adventure didn't end there! We were heading back to the car and last minute we decided to check out the local thrift store. Aren't we glad we did!! Their book section was awesome! It was like a library (we all know I love libraries) where you can buy the books for 10-35 cents! I picked up some awesome novels and we got a ton of new (lightly used) books for G! And drum-roll...Juan found this MINT Marantz Model 5220 Cassette Player for $6! At first I just rolled my eyes, sure it was pretty on the outside but come on, will it really work and who even has cassettes anymore? Turns out the thrift store had a ton! We picked up a handful of cassettes and Juan went to work, researching maintenance on the player and voila!!
It works!
I definitely give Juan a hard time when it comes to bikes, electronics, cars and cameras but the truth is, I'm glad he is passionate, responsible and always excited to learn more. When he puts his mind to something he gets it done. 

Speaking of Juan and these hobbies...he has really gotten into photograph lately. I feel silly saying this is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend (since it is of me) but here it is...my fav pic:
Didn't even know he was taking a picture of me...let alone that close!
 Overall it was a fantastic weekend and my brothers agreed. Just last night they were telling Allison and I their favorite parts. Cole's favorite part was walking around Ramona. Christian's favorite part was our little pool party. My favorite part was watching the boys be boys (including Juan in that statement). It's not very often that I get to watch Juan play boy games and tell boy jokes (since I don't really see that side of him with Gisele). It was definitely a special boy weekend!

Post church cinnamon rolls. If you are ever in Ramona, I highly recommend trying one of the apple cinnamon rolls from the Ramona Cafe.

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