Tuesday, August 27, 2013

~ August 10, 2013 ~

Now for the unexpected part of our Oregon trip...

We had just wrapped up a busy day and I thought we were going to lounge at my parents and have a bonfire...boy was I wrong! Juan, John and I went to The Beer Den to get a growler of beer. When we got back Juan and John start preparing what I said was entirely too much food for all of us. Juan gave Gisele a bath while I showered. Once she was cleaned up, Gisele and I snuggled up on the couch to read stories while Juan and John were outside setting up the campfire and getting the grill ready. My parents house is at the end of a long driveway and nobody ever drives down it...I looked up from the book we were reading and see a car pull up. Confused..."Mom, somebody's here" my mom made up some silly excuse and then I see my childhood best friend Elise and her family walk up to the house. Apparently they planned a surprise birthday party! So sweet! I had wanted to meet up with Elise and have Gisele meet her daughter Nora. Juan and I spent time with their family the last time we were in Oregon and couldn't wait to get the girls together. It was such a great surprise! 

About 30 minutes into our socializing Juan asked if I wanted to go for a walk around the property. To be honest, I thought he was being a little rude lol. Elise and her family hadn't been there very long and I felt bad leaving but Juan was so giddy and excited I thought sure...why not. Of course Gisele wanted to join and asked if she could come too. We put her shoes on and we were off. Side note...my parents do a great job keeping their property well maintained, complete with a beautiful walking path that goes around the 10 acres, walking by the pond, through the fruit trees and ends at a grass field by the blueberries / campfire area. 

Anyways...we set out for our little walk...just us three. My very rugged outdoorsy boyfriend wore his no traction rainbows for our walk in the woods causing a slightly different start than Juan intended. I don't think Juan realized the start of the path was just to the left of where he went hand in hand with Gisele down a hill and when I say down a hill...I mean he fell and dragged her down the hill. It was quite the site! Luckily Gisele was fine, just a little shaken up. I scooped her up, helped make the tears go way and then she was off, happy as ever skipping down the trail. Still laughing at Juan a little, he gave me a big hug and kiss and started talking about how much he loves me and how great I am with Gisele. He continued talking about how much he loves me, our little family and how happy he is. He was being so sweet. We were having such an awesome trip. Gisele was so happy, we were so happy and my family was loving having us there. Having him talk about us and our relationship put us both in this lovey hugging walking down the path bliss. It was so special. Gisele kept shouting look at this, come here, skipping along...it was definitely one of those special times basking in the beauty of our relationship and enjoying watching Gisele in a state of pure joy and amazement. 

Our walk was coming to a close...we turned the corner where the trail turns into a gravel path that heads back toward the house / the grass field. When we turned the corner my heart skipped a million beats and I couldn't control the flood of tears. Somebody had lined the path with candles! (Oh my goodness...just typing this my heart is beating like it did that evening lol) Gisele's reaction "What?! Who did this? It's so pretty! What is this?" More tears...Juan and I are both crying. I pull myself together and answer back. "I think Papa did it." Gisele.."You do?! It's so pretty. You think Papa did it?" You get the idea. We went back and forth talking about how special and pretty it was while walking down the path. Juan had his tears (a little) under control and we slowed down hugging and kissing and telling each other how much we love each other. Gisele was so excited about the candles she ran ahead a little bit. Once we reached the end of the path the first thing I saw was a stump in front of the field with a ring on it and then I heard voices. We turned the corner and my family was there. It all happened so quickly from there. Juan and I were still full of happy tears and could barely speak. Juan got down on one knee, asked "Will you marry me?" and I replied "Of course my love!"
Once he put the ring on my finger, Juan scooped Gisele up and we told her we are going to get married. She did her little squeal of happiness and flapping of her hands (her signature "I'm excited" move) and then went back to being curious about who did the candles until my mom confirmed Juan put the candles there. There were hugs all around and we said hi to my dad, Allison, Cole and Christian who were watching over facetime. Juan, Gisele and I hung around talking and taking it all in. Then the three of us walked down the path blowing out the candles before heading inside to eat dinner, open my birthday presents (haha I had forgotten about my bday celebration) and eat birthday pie from the Tollgate Inn.

Path where the candles were. Gisele blowing out the candles.
Proposal tree.
The surprises didn't stop there. Juan and I had talked about getting a room in downtown Portland like we did last summer but we decided to play it by ear. We wanted to make sure Gisele would be comfortable spending an evening with my family without us there. Well Juan took it upon himself to get us an awesome King Premier Suite at the Hotel Monaco to celebrate. So not only did we have a wonderful party with my family and friends but the following night we spent the evening in Portland. Oh and Gisele was more than happy to stay with my family. I'm not even sure she noticed we left haha.
Our suite. Dinner downtown. Gisele our little morning visitor.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect proposal and celebration. Juan and John were sneaky getting candles when they went to get "fishing stuff" and setting up when they were "getting the bonfire ready." They not only fooled me but my mom as well. It was really special that Juan involved John. I'm also so glad he thought to have my Rowland family on facetime as well :) It was so special we got to share that with everyone. He even wore his rainbows (even though they are not woodland friendly) for the proposal because they are the signature shoe of my Rowland family :) I could tell he really put time into it and put a special effort into the little details. Juan even gave my mom a matching ring dish to remember the day. Oh my gosh I could go on and on. I am such a lucky lady! I love you so much Juan Martinez! I can't wait to marry you in our Church, celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage, begin a life together...you, Gisele and I! Love you two with all my heart! XOXO
One more picture...I LOVE the expression on her face! One of Gisele's favorite dinner time topics is "I can't wait for Papa and Raquel to get married." Her wish has come true :) It is going to happen. We have a date and can't wait for the big day! Now as Gisele says...we both need our white dresses and a cake!


Ashes85 said...

OMG this brought tears to my eyes! What a special way to propose. I am so grateful that you found the man of your dreams Raquel....I am beyond thrilled and excited for you guys. I love the detail he put into it, thank you for writing this I have been so excited to know how he did it!! Love you! XOXO.

Unknown said...

Congratulations you guys! Raquel, this blog is wonderful. Wishing you both, together, a lifetime of happiness. <3 Jeff & Cathi Pfizenmaier


Thanks Ash! Love you too!


Jeff...Thank you for the congrats and well wishes! I'm so glad you like the blog. I love sharing our life with our family and friends :) ~ Raquel