Thursday, October 31, 2013


This past weekend was so BUSY! The Evans Family had a lot to get done around their new house before move-in day. Dan came into town for 5 days to work on the house. Juan and I happily spent countless hours helping Dan get the house ready. It was tiring but more than worth it seeing little pregnant Stephanie last night and giving Brooke and Brighton big squeezes. Those kiddos melt my heart! I still can't believe Steph and her family live a short 6 minutes away! If you had told me four years ago that I would be engaged to Juan and living 6 minutes from the Evans family, I would have called your bluff. Dream come true all around! 

Sometimes I feel like I make my life out to be this perfect life, it isn't, nobody is perfect but I try my very best to focus on the good. Life isn't easy and trust me we have our fair share of struggles with work, friends, family, co-parenting, goals that haven't been met, the list could go on and on but that is just a part of life. We will keep working hard, trying our very best, taking care of each other and those around us. We are so very blessed and do our best to count our blessings every day. We slowed down at the end of the weekend and met up with Raechel from Raechel Denise Photography for our engagement photo shoot. What a fantastic way to end the weekend! Juan and I had a great time despite feeling a little awkward when a group gathered around oooo-ing and awww-ing outside of Moo Time Creamery (our first date spot) and once we got over the initial embarrassment of having a camera on us. We had fun with it and love how the pictures came out. We can't wait to see the rest! Thanks again Raechel!!

 ^^^Haha I love the selfie pic!

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