Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sibling Day

Apparently yesterday was National Sibling Day (at least according to facebook). Do you send cards or presents for sibling day? If so, I missed the boat :(

Happy belated sibling day to my four little loves!! You are all growing up WAY too fast! To Beth, Kevin, Cole and Christian: Don't forget that I will always be your BIG sister. One of your biggest fans, here to help, listen, support and love you every day! I love you guys sooooo much! Mmmuah!!

On the topic of siblings, if you don't know already, we recently found out that Gisele is going to be a big sister (and no I am not pregnant...her mom is). Although I imagine we will be 10 times more excited when she's expecting a Martinez brother or sister....we are so excited for little G! 

Being a big sister has been and I know will continue to be one of the biggest joys in my life. From wrapping my baby sister Bethany up in her baby blanket and treating her like my own special doll, going to the airport and picking up Kevin my 13 year old TEENAGE brother to homework nights with Cole and Christian. I take joy in every little moment I share with them. I could go on and on, sharing all of my wonderful memories and bragging about what amazing kids they all are but they know how much I love them and how they make me so proud.

My role as a big sister will never change but as life is changing and Gisele is becoming such an important person in my life, I can’t help but focus on her and the new role she is about to play. What will she think? Will she be happy? I think so. Will she be jealous? Maybe in the beginning? Haha so many things to think about. I keep applying my past experiences and family life to my little life with Juan and Gisele; my experiences as a big sister have only magnified my excitement for Gisele. I know she is going to be a wonderful big sister! I can't wait to hear her stories and watch her take on this new role. Her little life is going to change! Gisele is already growing up so much. Her vocabulary and ability to have lengthy conversations amazes us every day. I can only imagine what having a little brother or sister will do for her. 

Being the oldest sibling can be difficult at times. As I imagine most parents feel, I always strive to be the very best for my brothers and sister and put a lot of pressure on myself if I feel like I am letting them down in any way. As a big sister you want to teach them everything you know and look after them every step of the way. I recently stumbled upon this poem and thought I would end this by dedicating it to little G (even though she won't understand it for a few more years) and to Beth, Kevin, Cole & Christian...I hope I am setting a good example for you guys, that you all learn from me and become even better people out there in the world.


My little eyes
are watching
all you say and do
and when I grow up
big and tall
I want to be like you.

My little ears
are listening
to everything you say
I am learning how
to grow up
to be like you

So be careful how
you teach me
to be the person
that you are.
You're the best
friend that I
could have;
You're my brightest
shining star! 


Stephanie said...

This is so sweet. Beth, Kevin, Christian and Cole sure are lucky to have a big sis like you. It sure is an exciting time for little G and seeing how the families are all coming together. How awesome it is that she will soon be a big sister, too! It's so great to be able to keep in touch through your blog and hear your sweet self shinning through from your posts. Love you!


Thanks Steph! I'm glad you are enjoying my is a work in progress. I have definitely enjoyed writing the last two posts. Love you!

Ashes85 said...

I love reading these. Once again you brought tears to my eyes.! I about had a heart attack (in a good way) thinking you were the one having the baby! When that day comes you are more than prepared. I think back to high school and you were the one friend that was always the "momma bear" friend to me....always such a good influence and trying to convince me to do the "right" things. ;-). I will always love and appreciate you for that. Gisele is so lucky to have so many loving parents. I am so so glad that you have found true love and happiness...there is nothing worth more than that in life! And also...holy cow Beth is a super star! I was telling Justin all about how far she threw and we couldn't believe how good she is getting! Anyways keep writing I love reading these.
XOXO love you