Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baby Rob's Bday

Baby Rob's Birthday Party and the Gonzalez Baby Shower for Little Luna (separate post to follow) have been on our "we can't wait" list. So when the day came...Gisele was ready!! We spent the morning wrapping presents, decorating the cards and then we were off!! But not before putting on some sunscreen and slipping on her party shoes (which she doesn't like wearing without cute).
The theme: Bring a blanket and play in the park. Right up our alley! We had such a great time visiting and playing with our friends.  Gisele has grown to be quite fond of David, Erik and Brady so she was definitely excited to see them and of course the little social butterfly that she is, she managed to make some new friends along the way.
Unfair game of keep away. Party Shoes. Erik, David & Sean.
Juan & the B-day Boy. Silly Girl. Mommy Kisses.
I still can't believe Rob is already 1! It feels like yesterday that my life revolved around Gigi and Sean's wedding and then when they told me I was going to be a TIA....oh my goodness! I was so excited to meet the little guy but more than anything I was excited for my best friends and the new journey they were about to embark on. It was such an honor to be such a big part of their wedding and equally as special when I helped them through labor and got to see Rob for the first time along with Rob's grandparents. When they announced his name (they were keeping it a secret) I couldn't even control the tears. He is a beautiful little baby with an adorable personality...I can't wait to watch him grow up! Happy Birthday Rob!! XOXO
Gisele was so cute talking to Rob and trying to get his attention!


Unknown said...

Woah, great pics Raq! So great seeing you all there. I stole a few of your pics for my site...

Any progress on convincing Gisele to open a pancake store with me?


Thanks B! Was really nice seeing everyone! I'll jump over to and check out the pics :) Haha still working on Gisele and the pancake store, we made banana choc chip the last time around...she's getting pretty good!