Monday, June 17, 2013

Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation

St. Pius X Church

When Juan and I first started dating he used to tease me saying he was a "Level 2" Catholic and I was a "Level 1." That might sound odd to you guys but it always made me giggle. Juan was raised Catholic, whereas I only found my way to the Catholic Church a couple years ago (well I was around it throughout my life but chose to take classes and be confirmed in 2009). That said he was not a practicing Catholic when we first started dating and I was. I think it was his way of saying, yes we share the same faith and acknowledging that he knows it is a big part of my life without getting too serious about it. 

In the beginning I never invited Juan to Church. I wanted him to freely join me and not feel like he had to come. Over time he started asking about it and taking more interest until the day came that he started going to Church with me! What a blessing. It felt so great to know that he was coming for himself and of course partially for me. One day after mass Juan's mom told him he never finished his confirmation classes. We were both surprised and I teased him...Who is Level 2 now? Haha. Shortly there after Juan decided he wanted to finish his classes and be confirmed. 
Juan with Bishop Cirilo Flores

To my surprise he jumped right in...talking my ear off after every class (of course I LOVED that). We both agreed that him going through his confirmation class at his age now (versus when he was a teenager) was a huge blessing. He actually took the time to listen, decide for himself and apply what he was learning to his life. Every class was a special experience and so fun for me to hear about. I remember when he had his first class...I was SO NERVOUS. What if the teacher is terrible and he never wants to go back. Much to my excitement his first class was great! He came back so excited to tell me all about it, he even asked the teacher for a copy of the test they took for me to take (so cute!). Anyways, Juan just finished his classes at the end of May. 

On May 31st Juan was officially confirmed in the Catholic Church and I got the privilege of being his sponsor! What a joyful beautiful day. For a good solid week that day was on both of our minds and still brings smiles to our faces when we talk about it.

Juan getting confirmed by Bishop Cirilo Flores
So Happy!!
Milton, Christina, Me, Juan, Cecile (J's Mom), Carmen (J's Abuela), Manolo (J's Tio), Eli (Cecile's Husband)
Family and Friends. Thank you for coming!
Opening Presents
How did I get so lucky?!
All Smiles!

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