Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Juan's Abuela and Tio Manolo have been visiting from Puerto Rico and their little California vacation was coming to a close so we decided to kick off Father's Day weekend and go bowling. Friday after work we all met at Eastlake Tavern + Bowl. Apparently Cecile (Juan's Mom) used to play a lot and hasn't picked up a bowling ball in a while, so of course she was ready to play. Juan, Milton and I had just finished a long work week and were ready to play. And Gisele...oh man was she excited! It was her first bowling experience and she had no idea what to expect but man was she ready to go. We couldn't get out the door fast enough. When Gisele is excited it is infectious...she bounces up and down and flaps her little hands (I should post an excited video). So of course we were all very excited to show her what bowling is all about. Our outing turned into a funny game (is that what you call it in bowling).
Gisele LOVED bowling and pretty much took over my turn and parts of Papa's turns as well...not to mention the fact that she had her own spot in the lineup. She couldn't get enough! (PS How adorable are those little bowling shoes?!)
The bowling alley had an awesome little guide for kids to use. They even had it set up so that the bumpers popped up on Gisele's turns. Very kid friendly! ^^^ Her smile glows....she had a big grin like that all night!
Abuela Sandwich. Twinsies Cecile and Abuela Carmen aka Gisele's Bisabuela.
It has been so much fun having Juan's family in town. I didn't get to know his Tio Manolo as much as I would have liked but I definitely got to spend some quality time with his Abuela and I just loved her! She is such a beautiful woman with a wonderful spirit. I wish she lived closer. I guess we will just have to visit her in Puerto Rico (twist my arm).
I don't have time for a picture...Is it my turn?! Bowling with Tio Manolo.
Getting Gisele to hold still for a picture was rather difficult...if she wasn't rolling a ball down the lane then she wanted to be helping whoever was, cheering or asking "is it my turn now?" 
Silly and Sweet little G. If she isn't making me laugh she's melting my heart. Love her so much!
Bowling Star!
Such a fun night! Round 2 anyone?

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