Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Papa's Day Pt. 1

We had quite a few special men to celebrate on Father's Day. So I decided Saturday would be Papa's Day...a special day where Gisele and I give Juan extra lovin'. 
Kisses all day!
We started the day off by letting Juan sleep in, we made breakfast, picked a flower and laid out all of the special crafts Gisele made for him. We had such a lovely morning. Then it was time to enjoy the day...Papa's choice. Considering what a beautiful day it was...he asked for a beach day (great choice Papa!).  I packed a picnic. We put on our swim suits and Rainbows...then we hit the road. Coronado bound!
Nothing but blue skies, warm sand and cool salty water. Gisele had a blast jumping over waves, racing through the water, building sand castles and being silly with Papa.
Seaweed Tails. Towel Time Tickles.
Wave Jumpers. Speedy Runners.
After picnicking (look at our healthy eater) and enjoying Mother Ocean we decided to "go on an adventure."

We walked down to the Hotel Del Coronado, admiring the beautiful houses along the way. Yes, even Gisele enjoys looking at the houses. My favorite was when she said "Look!! That one looks like a castle!!"

Hotel Del Coronado and Moo Time Ice Cream....perfect end to the afternoon. It didn't occur to me until later in the day that it was the first time Juan and I have been back to Moo Time (together) since our first date in 2008 (awwww lol). 

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