Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Papa's Day Pt. 2

Part 2 of Juan's "Papa's Day / Extra Lovin' Day" we decided to go to evening mass at our Church, Corpus Christi.  We usually go on Sunday mornings but it was a nice change. It was fun seeing different faces and ending the day that way.

<<<How sweet are they? 

Mass was so beautiful and Gisele was extra vocal during the songs. Sometimes she hums or tries to sing along to one song, but on Saturday she was singing multiple songs! So sweet! I love watching her shake fellow parishoners hands and say "peace be with you."  Isn't that what it is all about, love and taking care of one another? I just love the "sign of peace" part of the mass and watching Gisele participate in it melts my heart.
At the end of mass they had a beautiful blessing for the dads. It was lovely (minus the fact that Gisele was talking to me when they asked "the dads to please stand up" so of course we stood up, not hearing the announcement...whoops LOL) and very special seeing all of the dads up there. After mass we took Bisabuela in the back to take a few pictures and of course let Gisele play in her "house".
Taking pictures in her house aka gazebo. Bisabuela wanted a picture with St. Francis.
We will miss having Bisabuela here. It was so nice having her visit!
The Ladies.
How cute are these candy bars they had for dads!

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