Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Cole, Christian and I Love Our Poppa Bear!

After our already VERY fun weekend the festivities continued on Sunday. Juan spent the morning with his dad and brother practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and juicing (a couple of his dad's favorite hobbies). When he got home Gisele and I were suited up and ready for a day at the Rowland Ranch, celebrating with my Poppa Bear.

My dad is a HUGE fan of Santa Fe Meats marinated meat. Living up in the country he doesn't make it down to Chula Vista very often, so I picked up a couple pounds for his special day. He grilled, Allison made awesome guacamole and margaritas. And of course we all PLAYED!!

Gisele was a champ in the pool! We really should get her in swimming lessons. She LOVES the water and wants to be a part of everything (including rowdy games of basketball). My  Dad, Juan, Christian and I started a game of 2 on 2 but Gisele's little eyes started watering up...she wanted to be a part of it. So precious. We changed it to 3 on 2 but even then her abilities were limited and she started to cry again...she really wants to play with the BIG kids and be able to hang. My selfish self wants to keep her little for a while longer but it will be fun when she can really jump in (and swim).
Gisele also enjoyed riding around on her and Christian's boat... chasing after Cole and bopping him on the head. It is so fun watching the three of them play together. Cole and Christian are so good with her. Making sure she is safe and ALWAYS keeping her entertained. The other day Juan pointed out that when they are older they are going to look back and be like "remember when?" Three Amigos.
After some pooling Gisele, Cole, Christian and Juan bounced the rest of their energy out on the trampoline. It was so fun watching Gisele try to jump as high as Cole and Christian. "Look at me! Look at how HIGH I am jumping!!"
Bringing me be back to my childhood my dad busted out the ICEE stuff. Cherry ICEES...Mmmm! Actually come to think of it...I didn't even have one! Next time. 
Brain Freeze!!!
Latest Addition to the Rowland Ranch. Meet Dali. I'm not a dog (or pet for that matter) person but I will say she is very well behaved and very sweet. She is trying to win my heart...we shall see.

Practicing with Papa Milton for Father's Day.

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