Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Gisele is officially 4 years old!! On Friday, July 19th we celebrated her 4th birthday. Juan and I took Friday off and started the morning with a little cafe breakfast at Claire de Lune and stroll around North Park. When we sat down for breakfast I asked Gisele how it feels to be four years old. Her response: "Umm I think my voice is different and I am taller!" Too cute! She is definitely getting taller by the minute! Her voice...that is up for debate but still an adorable thought. 

Gisele was already lucky enough to have an awesome bday party with us and with her mama so we tried to keep the presents to a minimum. She's definitely one lucky little girl, who some might argue is a little spoiled. We all just love her so much...we can't help it! Anyways my best friend Stephanie has a little girl who is 6 year old and loves My Little Pony. She sent Gisele an adorable card that she wrote herself and a little figurine of her favorite pony. We decided breakfast was a good time to open her present from her friend Brooke. It was so cute watching her slowly open the card on her own and pretend to read it. 
 ^^^Thanks Brookie!
Side note...if you are ever in North Park and feel like a little cafe treat and delicious coffee, I highly recommend Claire de Lune! Two of my favs are the Chai Tea Latte and Mexican Mocha.

 ^^^We love this little Birthday Girl!
Our next stop was Abuelito's house for a birthday hug and a special surprise. A couple month's ago we took Gisele to Skyzone, she LOVED it and whenever we visit the Rowland Ranch we have to drag her off the trampoline. So needless to say when Abuelito gave Gisele a trampoline for her birthday she was ecstatic! Juan posted a little video of her reaction: Trampoline Video (wish we had taken more video). Whenever Gisele is home she wants to spend some time on the trampoline and now instead of occasionally having to drag her off the Rowland Ranch trampoline, we have to regularly pull her off of her own trampoline. Good present...yes! Challenging for Juan and I to battle her when it is time to get off...a little bit.
Uncle Milton came over for bday hugs and to help set up the new trampoline :)
Since we only had Gisele for the day, Juan and I wanted to take Gisele to do something extra special, just the three of us. Juan came up with the awesome idea of taking Gisele to ride her favorite horse, Googie. On our way to visit Googie her owner (Juan's friend) called and said she was acting funny due to the stormy weather and wouldn't be in the best of spirits for riding that day. Well that changed things. Of course we totally understood but had to come up with a new plan right there in the car halfway to the horse ranch. We decided to head over to the Eastlake Tavern & Bowl,it ended up being a huge success and left us time to run over to Hans & Harry's so she could pick out a birthday treat and spend the end of the day with Abuelita, Juan and I singing Happy Birthday. 

Cute little birthday note for this year: Gisele loves singing happy birthday. This year she sang along singing all the lyrics including "Happy birthday dear Gisele" haha so precious!
 ^^^Our 2nd time bowling with G and I still can't get over how cute those little bowling shoes are! Halfway through bowling Gisele spent a good amount of time trying to make her fingers go in the was adorable!
 ^^^She kept saying "I'm going to do it all by myself!" Such a big girl!!
 ^^^Impromptu dance party!!
 ^^^Grubbin' on some bday cookies from NatSweets. I just LOVE these two!
^^^ Driving home with her Hans & Harry's treat :)
^^^Abuelita and Cupcake time!

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