Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Birthday America!

I'm so tired! We have been beyond busy just never stops. I can't complain though; I know that we are so lucky to have so many awesome opportunities to get out and spend time with wonderful people. We have to take advantage of it while we can... right? This 4th we happened to be house sitting for my dad and Allison at the Rowland Ranch. Keeping it low key, we invited Milton & Christina over for some good ol' fashioned 4th of July food. It was really nice having that one on one time with them. I love seeing Juan and his brother together. The "little kid" comes out of Juan and I love it! It is not very often we get to hang out just the four of was great!

Early evening Milton and Christina left, leaving Juan and I alone. We posted up on some pool mats and took a solid nap, recovering from the food, drinks and 4th madness. But wait it doesn't stop there. Ramona puts on quite the 4th of July event so we jumped on our bikes and headed over to the high school. I think I was in high school the last time I attended Ramona's 4th activities. Wow! It was even more impressive than I thought. Huge lawn party, DJ blasting music, tons of stands with yummy treats. Juan and I endulged ourselved and participated in the junk food madness. Cotton Candy, Kettle Corn and soda. YUM! I think I enhaled the cotton candy. 

The fireworks show was awesome and lasted a lot longer than either one of us expected. Ramona provided the perfect end to our forth of July night. 

Oh and word to the wise: Never forget your lights when biking on country roads!

We forgot our lights and when you are out there in the country without lights...lets just say we biked home blind. Definitely not the safest ride. Then (the professional biker that I am) I somehow managed to mess up my gears. Juan stopped to help me (forgetting he was clipped in..newbie at the clipping in thing) and ate it in the middle of a dark country road. So ridiculous! We couldn't stop laughing (even though it hurt him). He is off riding today...hopefully the clipping in goes a little better than last night.

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