Friday, July 12, 2013

Scarlett & Sienna

Last weekend Juan and I got to spend some quality time with my little nieces, Scarlett and Sienna. This was our first time meeting Sienna and man was she a cutie! And Scarlett...I can't believe how grown up she is! I loved the way she called us Aunt Raquel and Uncle Juan in her sweet little voice.

Ashley (their mom) and I have been friends since 7th grade. Needless to say I've got a lot of love for her little girls. Ashley's last minute family road trip out to California (from New Mexico) was announced / planned less than a week before they arrived. Obviously we weren't expecting them but it worked out perfectly. Juan and I were still up at the Rowland Ranch so Ashley, her husband Justin and the girls stayed with us in Ramona. Sienna was a little under the weather and not quite old enough to enjoy all of the perks of the ranch but she was still cuddly and sweet as ever. I can't speak for Scarlett but judging by her glowing smile...she had a blast!

We swam, played basketball, jumped on the trampoline, picked oranges, explored Ramona and even fit in some cartoons.
SONY NEX 6 / Sony 50mm F1.8 Lens v.  Canon EOS 7D / Canon 50mm F1.8 Lens
Ashley has been taking photography classes and doing little side photo shoots as a hobby. Juan has been carrying his camera everywhere (seriously he takes it to work) and having a blast taking new pictures, trying new lenses etc. Late Saturday night we decided they should have a lens / camera competition. Ok...well it was more of a comparison. Ashley really liked Juan's camera and started thinking about selling hers. It was a pretty entertaining event right there in the kitchen as the girls slept. I picked out their ever exciting subject....Core Consulting heads :)
P.S. We decided Juan's camera won. They took the photos from the same spot on the tripod with the exact same settings and same size lenses. Go Sony! Really though I LOVE my Sony NEX 5R...they are great cameras!
Their visit according to Instagram:

Oh and a little more photography fun: 
Before taking off for their next adventure, Juan shot a few pics of the Palmer family. It was the first time either one of us had done something like that; man trying to get kids to hold still, smile and look at the camera is difficult! Hats off to those photographers who photograph kids! Here are a couple of my favs:

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