Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Oregon Chronicles Pt. 2

Spending part 2 of The Oregon Chronicles as a newly engaged couple was just as good if not better than part 1. The morning after Juan proposed we went to mass at St. Michael's Catholic Church. We ran into a couple family friends and I got to introduce Juan as my fiance :) 

It was a great morning! Growing up, I didn't attend St. Michael's on a regular basis, we mostly went to mass for Christmas and Easter but it still holds a special place in my heart. Spending Christmas Eve there my entire childhood and knowing that my Rowland Family (Grandma Shirley, Grandpa Chuck, my Aunts Nadine, Maria, Kendra, Uncle Chris and my Dad) grew up attending mass at that church makes it very special to me.
 After mass we grabbed some donuts from the ever so famous Joe's Donut Shop in Sandy.
Juan and I had planned on going mountain biking but we just couldn't fit it in our busy schedule. We wanted to get a little exercise in and decided to go run my high school cross country running trails. What a treat! It was so fun showing him my old stomping ground :)
After our run we headed out for our evening in Portland and met back up with my mom, Kevin and Gisele in the morning. While in Rome...aka Portland...my mom and I decided to pop into a bridal shop and try on some dresses while Juan and the kiddos vegged in our suite. I'm so happy my mom got to be there the first time I tried on dresses! 

Afterward we made our way to Multnomah Village to visit my cousins Sabine and Lucy at my Aunt Nadine's shop Topanien Global Gifts. Growing up I always loved walking into the different shops and picking out something special from Topanien. We had such a great time eating lunch, hitting up the candy shop, picking out special Topanien gifts and sharing our engagement excitement with Sabine and Lucy!
After our Portland adventures we had a quiet evening at The Drake Woodland Escape playing with the kittens and eating some Oooey Gooey Smores! The next morning (as promised) we took Gisele to my childhood playground, Fantasy Forest. As expected she LOVED it. On our way to the airport we stopped by a park along the Columbia River, had lunch with John on his lunch break and said our goodbyes. It is always sad saying goodbye. Kevin and I were full of tears but I know we will all see each other again soon. Until then we have these awesome memories to look back on.

Left: Our first night walking around the property she was a little spooked by the forest. 
Right: One of her last walks around the property...she couldn't get enough.
Our little traveler sitting in PDX with her NW Coffee aka Chocolate Milk.
Left: Off to Oregon. Right: San Diego Bound. 
Uncle Milton picked us up from the airport in San Diego. After sharing all of our adventures Gisele said: "Can we go back to the airport and fly back to Oregon?" Awww!! I think she had a good time. I know I did!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've only come to know you guys from a distance, from the other side of the country, and only through the mail, but I know you guys are just going to be great together! Life is full of trials and tribulations but you will handle them better than most. I look forward to some day meeting you! You won't know who I am but just ask Juan. Who is Steve from New Jersey!!