Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I've been pretty quiet with my posts lately. We always manage to have a million projects going on, keep a busy social calendar...oh and there is work! Juan was on travel for work for two weeks, only home for the weekends. So, I caught up with some of my girlfriends, caught up on random errands and house cleaning. Our last full weekend with Gisele we got to see my Uncle Steve, Aunt Angelina and my cousins Gracie and Kiana which was a lot of fun! We hadn't seen them since our Easter egg hunt. Gisele loved playing with Gracie, Cole and Christian. We also managed to fit in Labor Day celebrations up at the Ranch (while my grandparents were in town) where Gisele perfected her surfing skills. She is getting more and more confident in the water. I can't wait for her to get the confidence to take her float off!
 Summer time smiles!
 Gracie & Kiana
Trampoline Party!
The girls picking on C&C. Soaking up some sun with Nonno Joe.
 Nana Allison look!
 Keeping cool in the shade with Uncle Steve
 Gisele decided Papa and I should get in the cold fountain with her. Only for G!
 Surfer Girl!
 I love them so much. How did I get so lucky?!

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