Friday, September 27, 2013


Do you ever feel like life will never slow down? Every single day there is an endless checklist, countless stresses, a million phone calls to return....I could go on. You get the idea. September has been one of there light at the end of the tunnel kind of months. I realize I'm not Gisele's step-mom but I love her as if she were my own daughter. Any pain Gisele feels, I feel it times a million. Any co-parenting struggles Juan has are also mine. is not easy. I wouldn't trade Gisele for the world but now I understand even more why it is so very important you marry that one person that you know is your life long partner. Raising a child is not one sided, it takes two, a mother and a father working together. The sacrament of marriage and child baring is NOT something to be taken lightly. Anyways...I could go off on a little rant but the point is....I LOVE parenting with Juan. We are definitely facing our fair amount of co-parenting struggles but one thing I know is that we are on the same page. We know what we want for Gisele and our future children and we are a fantastic team. Two weekends ago we had our Pre-Cana class and had a day...just for us. It was so great. It was long 8am - 4pm, full of our Churches teachings, assignments and time spent together. It sounds cheesy but I wish everyone (Catholics and Non-Catholics) got to go through something like that before entering into marriage. We are both so in love, ready to spend our lives together, raise a family and try to make the world a better place. Sometimes, actually most of the time I did we get so lucky? We are PERFECT for each other. But all relationships have room for improvement. Our Pre-Cana class helped us refocus areas where we were lacking and gave us even more confidence for where we are at/going. Life will continue to have it's struggles but I know that Juan and I are a team and we will overcome it all and be better and stronger for it.
Pre-Cana Lunch Time Escape
Bragging about our Focus Results: 98% Match, 100% Skills, 94% Bonders, 94% Integrators. Booya! Lol

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