Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Great Gatsby

I just realized The Great Gatsby comes out May 10th! Juan doesn't know it yet but I see a date night in our near future...I can't wait! Luckily I am almost done with my latest book (Wild...definitely recommend it!) because it is officially time to bust out my old copy of The Great Gatsby.
I found it!


Stephanie said...

Haha I love that you go to the library still to check out your books. Its been awhile since I have read this one. I need a refresher.. I think i'll head on over to the Orem library! ;)


You know me so well! I will always love the library :) This copy is actually from my college days full of highlights, notes and all. Def excited to read it again. Yes! Go check it out and we can read it together!