Friday, March 28, 2014


Juan and I are slowly but surely approaching our wedding planning goals and just about ready to kick back, relax and enjoy the last 43 days till our wedding. It's crazy how much time and effort you have to put into a wedding even if it is a small / casual wedding. Over the years I have been in and helped out with so many weddings. I feel like a pro at this point. It's funny though, with each wedding I have slowly lost that "details" "planning" "decorating" etc. mentality. Don't get me wrong...I love it all! I think each party and wedding is so special. I love watching all of the hard work come together! Two weekends ago I went to my friend Bri's bridal shower. Perfect example of how exciting it is when all of the planning comes together! It was so special! Her family (aunts, mom, sister) and bridesmaids all worked together planning and throwing such sweet and personal shower. It was perfect for Bri. Bri was fun seeing her so happy and excited.
^^^Bri & Her Beautiful Bridesmaids

^^^ Vegan Eats

^^^Jenga sign in book & Bri with her soon to be Mother and Sister In Law

^^^ Shower Games

^^^Thank you goodies

Clickked by @raquel_clickkitycrew aka ME!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


 Sometimes I feel like there are NEVER enough hours in the day. Gisele is in bed, it is way past my bedtime, Juan and I are talking wedding, work, everything under the sun, I'm updating our Every Day book (Juan and I started keeping a 5 year memory book) and I realize....shoot I really wanted to make Stephanie some birthday cupcakes! If you don't know...Stephanie and I go wayyyy back and Tuesday was her first birthday that we have got to celebrate together since high school?! Crazy! Although we are both busy as can be with the kiddos and life...there was no way I'm missing an opportunity to celebrate her birthday. So Juan joined me in the kitchen and I whipped up some funfetti cupcakes to bring to her house after work the next day. So worth it! We had such a great (very short as it was a school night) night singing happy birthday to Steph and I got my baby fix. Boston (most recent addition to the Evan's family) is the has become a thing...I hug Steph and the kiddos....give Dan a "what up!" and then scoop up little Boston. I'm not quite ready for a baby yet but oh how I do love babies!! Especially little Boston who always falls asleep in my arms.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


When the invitation arrived....I knew my bridesmaids and bestie David were going to throw me a dream shower. Despite the uninvited torrential downpour they managed to scramble the day before the party, cancel rentals and food, change from an outdoor location to the beautiful Croce's Park West and still throw an amazing party. I walked in Saturday afternoon and I was blown way! I still can't believe how incredibly special it was. Every little detail was perfect. I feel so weird getting so spoiled. Juan and I have been getting wedding presents in the weird! For us? Really! We feel so very loved! David kicked off the shower afternoon with the sweetest speech (I'm gonna tear up just thinking about it) and he presented me with a gorgeous floral headpiece. What a day it was! Full of delicious food, drinks, beautiful decor, fun Raquel friendly games (which is impressive because we all know I am not a game person), the sweetest gifts, yummy cake and of course the best company!! I love my family and friends and it was so very special having so many of them (missing some special ones but they were there in spirit) there celebrating Juan and I's upcoming wedding. Thank you to everyone for making it such a special day. I don't think I will ever be able to thank my bridesmaids and David enough for throwing such a perfect shower. If I could have two weddings with would be the wedding we are having and the other would be a beautiful bohemian wedding and that is exactly what I got for my shower! Thank you again to my beautiful bridesmaids and my bestie David....Juan and I love you guys so much!! 
^^^The Party Planners: Stephanie, Gigi, Charlotte, David, Linda (and baby Sloane due any day now!) 
^^^Such a special group of people!! Love you all tons!! 

^^^If you haven't had The French Gourmet strawberry bagatelle experience you really should! So delicious!!

^^^Impromptu post party photo fun! 
Feeling so very blessed and loved. 
A special thank you to Clickkity for being my personal paparazzi and documenting my special day!