Wednesday, April 9, 2014


She's finally here!!
BIRTHday: 03/29/14
Time: 8:26am
Weight: 7lbs 10oz
Height: 19.5 inches

I can't believe you are here! I am your Tia Raquel. I've been lucky enough to watch your mom's belly grow and feel you kick. I've been looking forward to your arrival! I loved you before we met but now that we have met...oh my! Tears at first meet. I feel so lucky to be a party of your family's life. Your sister is the sweetest little girl and quite the smarty. She will be a great big sister! For now, I look forward to holding you and watching each little baby stage. As you get older, you will have to come over and play! One day, you will be a and your sister can always come talk to Tia Raquel if mom and dad aren't quite as cool. But trust me though...they are the coolest. Anyways...I could go on and on. I love you! So excited you are here.

Tia Raquel 

Your dad is going to make you laugh! Here he is pretending to sleep since he didn't get to...your delivery was short! Your mom text me going to the hospital and a couple hours later you were here! I couldn't believe it. 
He won't admit it but my dad teared up when he held you too. He is another person that will be there for you and I'm sure you will have many adventures with your sister and Gisele at the Rowland Ranch :)

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