Wednesday, April 9, 2014


My friend Jackie is the stepmother of the cutest kid, William. I actually met Jackie at her wedding last summer. Watching her, her husband and stepson become a family was so emotional for me (picturing the same for Juan, Gisele and I). The day we met, watching them as a family and meeting her awesome east coast family, I knew I wanted to be friends with her. We might not talk all the time but it's nice to have a friend who gets what it is like to care for, help teach, raise and really love your stepchild (well G is almost my stepdaughter) as if they were your own. The other day Jackie posted a quote that said: "God knit you in your mother's womb, but He wove you into my heart." It brought me to tears. So true! I never pictured the life I am about to embark on / have been living. Nobody assumes they are going to be a stepmother. That said, I cannot imagine my life without Gisele in it! Juan and Gisele are my world.

It is not always rainbows and sunshine, sometimes it is so difficult being a stepparent. Imagine only having your child 50% of the time. It's not easy. It can be so difficult keeping yourself peaceful; not worrying and wondering. You have to let go and trust she is safe and sound...just like her other family has to do when she's with us. It's not ideal...nobody wants to have to co-parent. Being parents (just mom and dad) is difficult enough. Throw in 4 parents for one child. That is a lot of opinions, parenting styles, personalities, spiritual beliefs....the list goes on and on. I don't know where I'm going with this...other than to share that life is a journey. I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I truly believe God brought Juan, Gisele and I together. With our wedding quickly approaching (1 month tomorrow), I sit here contemplating what lies ahead. Juan and I have plans for our little family of three but you just never know which way God will take us. Right now, what I know is that I cannot wait to be Gisele's Stepmama and for Juan and I to be husband and wife! 
My heart is happy when Gisele is snuggled up safe and sound at home. Isn't that smile the sweetest! Love our happy girl! AND i can't wait for summer!!!

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