Friday, May 30, 2014


A while back I told my friend Lauren that I would love to try taking maternity pictures. Guess what...she took me up on it! With our wedding, honeymoon and trying to catch up at work...I've barely had time to breathe but I did manage to fit a session in with Lauren and Fernando right before our wedding. I still haven't fully gone through all of the pictures but Lauren came by the other night and grabbed all of them. It reminded me of how much fun I had. I'm no expert at taking pics but I had a blast doing it! I could definitely see myself taking maternity and/or family pics again. So if anyone wants me to practice on really!

Here are a few from my shoot with the expecting parents.
 Behind the scenes:
Oh and did I mention that Juan joined me on the shoot...I think he captured the pic of the day (stinker!)

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I'm not going to lie...this year we have been so busy we did not fully participate in the Lenten season the way we wanted to. Easter, I have discovered is my favorite holiday. So although I wasn't quite where I would have liked to be spiritually come Easter Sunday, I was so thankful to have that special day to celebrate with my family (my sister was with us!) and friends. Juan, Gisele, Beth and I had a great morning hunting for Easter eggs. It was so fun having Gisele home this year! She was adorable going to bed and talking about hunting for eggs in the morning. Sure enough 5:30am she came downstairs waking Juan up and telling him she found 3 eggs! Lol He sent her back to bed and an hour later she came down and woke Beth and I up with an armful of eggs and more energy than you can imagine. She was ready! I'll have to upload a video but she was so cute running around the house finding eggs. Then the four of us had Lucky Charms (think this is going to be an Easter tradition) for breakfast, got all dolled up for Church and headed out for Corpus Christi. It was a beautiful mass and I was excited to show Beth our Church just a few weeks before the wedding! After Church we met up with Abuelita and headed up to the Rowland Ranch for some more Easter fun.
 ^^^Aren't they the cutest!! We all celebrated an early Easter together last year so it was so fun getting the girls together again this year. As they are getting older they are having so much fun playing together! I love it!
 ^^^My dad surprised all of us and dressed up like the Easter bunny. It was so funny watching everyone react to him. (minus Gisele's reaction...seeing "the Easter bunny" caused a huge meltdown but she eventually recovered and said a very sweet goodbye to him and wished him a happy Easter before he left)
 ^^^I just love these girls!

 ^^^Only picture I got with my love...I think I was about to give the bunny a big hug? LOL

 ^^^They were ready to hunt!! On your mark, get set, GO!!

^^^The girls scored! We have entirely too much Easter candy at our house. I have managed to create a pile of wrappers every day after work. We really need to get rid of it!


Last weekend my sister had a track meet in Long Beach. This is her 2nd year at Western Washington University and her 2nd year throwing javelin for them. I like to brag...she's pretty much amazing! Girlfriend is suuuper smart, an amazing artist, a great sister, hardworking, spiritual, freaking awesome javelin thrower...I could go on and on. Basically, she has it together!! Last year, Juan, G and I got to watch her compete at a track meet down in CA and once again she came down this year (think this will be an annual thing). I was especially excited this year because A. she has improved like you wouldn't believe! last I knew she is ranked 1st in Division 2 and 11th in Division 1. She qualified for Nationals on her first meet this year (she also went last year as a freshman)...yep she's amazing. are a few pics from her track meet. She blew us away....she is quite the athlete! Her form is unlike any other thrower out there! B. We got to take her home with us!!
 ^^^Watching her was like watching an art form. Ummm G in Papa's glasses...too cute!

^^^BUSTED!! (G has discovered she likes picking her nose...we are constantly telling her to take her finger out of her nose!


 ^^^She was so amazed watching all of the athletes

 ^^^WE GET TO TAKE BETH HOME!! YAY! (last year was waterworks after the track meet because we had to say waterworks this time! we were all so excited to take her home with us)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Well this past weekend was the long awaited bachelorette weekend. Wowza what an extravaganza it was! If you know me, you know I am not a crazy party girl. I like to have a few drinks, hang out with my girlfriends and have a little impromptu dance party. I guess your bachelorette is the one time you are supposed to really let your hair down and in my case get slightly embarrassed (keeping this post PG13...but lets just say my friends found some exciting party favors, games and decorations). My loves managed to throw me the perfect balance of embarrassment and good old fashioned girlfriend hangout time. I have been cravingggg an awesome pool day. Delivered!! Along with a crazy assortment of snacks, drinks and delicious pitchers of mojitos (seriously Bri those were so good)! I wish I could hit repeat on our pool day! SO much fun! Here are a few pics from the pool....

and one small peak at my "bridal attire" table and one of the many party favors LOL...

It was weird being the "bride-to-be" / the one everyone is celebrating...I'm used to being the one throwing the parties...thank you for making me feel so special! Seriously my friends are the best! Love you guys!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


My friend Jackie is the stepmother of the cutest kid, William. I actually met Jackie at her wedding last summer. Watching her, her husband and stepson become a family was so emotional for me (picturing the same for Juan, Gisele and I). The day we met, watching them as a family and meeting her awesome east coast family, I knew I wanted to be friends with her. We might not talk all the time but it's nice to have a friend who gets what it is like to care for, help teach, raise and really love your stepchild (well G is almost my stepdaughter) as if they were your own. The other day Jackie posted a quote that said: "God knit you in your mother's womb, but He wove you into my heart." It brought me to tears. So true! I never pictured the life I am about to embark on / have been living. Nobody assumes they are going to be a stepmother. That said, I cannot imagine my life without Gisele in it! Juan and Gisele are my world.

It is not always rainbows and sunshine, sometimes it is so difficult being a stepparent. Imagine only having your child 50% of the time. It's not easy. It can be so difficult keeping yourself peaceful; not worrying and wondering. You have to let go and trust she is safe and sound...just like her other family has to do when she's with us. It's not ideal...nobody wants to have to co-parent. Being parents (just mom and dad) is difficult enough. Throw in 4 parents for one child. That is a lot of opinions, parenting styles, personalities, spiritual beliefs....the list goes on and on. I don't know where I'm going with this...other than to share that life is a journey. I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I truly believe God brought Juan, Gisele and I together. With our wedding quickly approaching (1 month tomorrow), I sit here contemplating what lies ahead. Juan and I have plans for our little family of three but you just never know which way God will take us. Right now, what I know is that I cannot wait to be Gisele's Stepmama and for Juan and I to be husband and wife! 
My heart is happy when Gisele is snuggled up safe and sound at home. Isn't that smile the sweetest! Love our happy girl! AND i can't wait for summer!!!


She's finally here!!
BIRTHday: 03/29/14
Time: 8:26am
Weight: 7lbs 10oz
Height: 19.5 inches

I can't believe you are here! I am your Tia Raquel. I've been lucky enough to watch your mom's belly grow and feel you kick. I've been looking forward to your arrival! I loved you before we met but now that we have met...oh my! Tears at first meet. I feel so lucky to be a party of your family's life. Your sister is the sweetest little girl and quite the smarty. She will be a great big sister! For now, I look forward to holding you and watching each little baby stage. As you get older, you will have to come over and play! One day, you will be a and your sister can always come talk to Tia Raquel if mom and dad aren't quite as cool. But trust me though...they are the coolest. Anyways...I could go on and on. I love you! So excited you are here.

Tia Raquel 

Your dad is going to make you laugh! Here he is pretending to sleep since he didn't get to...your delivery was short! Your mom text me going to the hospital and a couple hours later you were here! I couldn't believe it. 
He won't admit it but my dad teared up when he held you too. He is another person that will be there for you and I'm sure you will have many adventures with your sister and Gisele at the Rowland Ranch :)

Friday, March 28, 2014


Juan and I are slowly but surely approaching our wedding planning goals and just about ready to kick back, relax and enjoy the last 43 days till our wedding. It's crazy how much time and effort you have to put into a wedding even if it is a small / casual wedding. Over the years I have been in and helped out with so many weddings. I feel like a pro at this point. It's funny though, with each wedding I have slowly lost that "details" "planning" "decorating" etc. mentality. Don't get me wrong...I love it all! I think each party and wedding is so special. I love watching all of the hard work come together! Two weekends ago I went to my friend Bri's bridal shower. Perfect example of how exciting it is when all of the planning comes together! It was so special! Her family (aunts, mom, sister) and bridesmaids all worked together planning and throwing such sweet and personal shower. It was perfect for Bri. Bri was fun seeing her so happy and excited.
^^^Bri & Her Beautiful Bridesmaids

^^^ Vegan Eats

^^^Jenga sign in book & Bri with her soon to be Mother and Sister In Law

^^^ Shower Games

^^^Thank you goodies

Clickked by @raquel_clickkitycrew aka ME!